Volltext: Archäologie der Kunst [6, Hauptbd.] (Hauptb. / 1895)

Kap. IV. Sammlungen und Museen. (§ 30.) 
Colchester (Essex). 
Edinburgh. Museum of the Society of Scotland: Catalogue of 
antiquities in the M. etc.; Michaelis S. 297 f. 
Liverpool. Public Museum (Sammlung von Joseph Mayer, s. u.): 
Michaelis S. 423 ff. 
London. **British Museum ; department of Greek and Roman 
antiquities (von Karl I. begründet, aus Griechenland, Rom und der Samm 
lung zu Mantua, jetzt das grossartigste Museum der Welt, welches teils 
durch Schenkungen, teils durch eigene Ausgrabungen diesen ersten Platz 
gewonnen hat; vgl. A Catal. and description of King Charles the First's 
Capital Collection, London 1757; Michaelis p. 27 ff.; Edwards, lives of the 
founders of the British Museum, L. 1870) (Funde von Phigaleia, Halikar 
nass und Knidos, Layards Ausgrabungen u. s. w.); Kataloge im allg.: 
Synopsis of the contents of the Br. M.; Vaux, handbook to the antiquities 
in the Br. M., L. 1851 m. Abb. — Fachkataloge: A. H. Smith, catal. of 
sculpture in the department of greek and roman antiquities, Br. M., I. L. 
1892; (Birch and Newton) Cat. of the greek a. etruscan vases in the 
Br. M., 2 Bde., L. 1851—70, 10 T. Vasenformen; Catal. of the engraved 
gems in the Br. M., L. 1888 m. 9 T. — Abteilungskataloge: Br. M. Guide 
to the Eigin gallery, the sculptures of the Parthenon, to the greek-roman 
sculptures I. 1879. II. 1876, to the bronze room, to the first and second 
vase room, to the select greek coins; H. Ellis, the Eigin and Phiga- 
leian marbles of the classical ages in the Br. M., 2 Bde.; Synop 
sis (s. o.): Graecoroman sculptures, 2. A. L. 1879; G. Long, the 
egyptian antiquities in the Br. M., L. 1846, 2 Bde. m. Abb.; S. Sharpe, 
Egypt. antiquities in the Br. M., L. 1862; (Pinches) Br. M. Assyrian 
antiquities. Guide to the Kouyunjik gallery, 1884; Guide to the Nim- 
roud central saloon, L. 1886; Ch. Newton, a guide to the Blacas Col 
lection of antiquities, L/1867; H. Ellis, the Townley gallery of classic 
sculptures in the Br. M. L. 1846, 2 Bde. m. Abb.; — Bilderwerde: T. Combe, 
Hawkins, Ockerell and Birch, a description of the collection of ancient 
marbles in the Br. M., L. 1812—61, 11 Bde. m. 384 T. (Bd. IV. Phigaleia. 
VI. bis VIII. Parthenon, IX. Eigin miscellanies, der Rest aus der Townley- 
Sammlung); T. Combe, a description of the collection of ancient terracottas 
preserved in the Br. M., L. 1810, m. 40 T.; Sam. Birch, gallery of antiqui 
ties selected from the Br. M. by F. Arundale archit. a. S. Bonomi sculptor, 
2 Tie. L. (1843), 57 T. (ägyptisches, I. Mythologie II. geschichtliche Denk 
mäler) ; Greek and roman statuary. Br. M. Photogr. by St. Thompson, L. 
1872, f. m. 50 T.; Catal. of a serie of photographs from the collections of 
the Br. M. Egyptian series, by S. Birch, L. 1872; vieles photographiert 
(L. Caldesi, photographs of anc. marbles etc. in the Br. M., L. 1873; Ch. 
Harrison, Br. M. photographs, L. 1872; Katalog bei Twietmeyer in Leipzig); 
Gypsabgüsse: Catalogue of re-productions from ancient marbles, bronzes, 
etc. in the Br. M. 1890. — Zugänge in den Parlamentsberichten und 
neuerdings von Cecil Smith in der Classical review verzeichnet. 
Handbuch der ldass. Altertumswissenschaft. VI.


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