Volltext: Die Abenteuer des Fliegers von Tsingtau [23]

Extra Late War Edition. 
Hunt for Escaped German. High^Pit* 
ched Voice as a Glue. 
Scotland Yard last night issued the following 
amended description of Günther Plüschow, 
one of the German prisoners who escaped from 
Donington Hall, Leicestershire, on Monday: 
Height 5 ft., 5 1 / 2 in, weight 135 1h.; com- 
plexion fair; hair blond; eyes blue; and tattoo 
marks: Chinese dragon on lest arm. 
As already 'stated in the “Daily Chronicle“, 
Plüschow’s companion, Trelftz, was recaptured 
on Monday evening at Millwall Docks. Both 
men are Naval Officers. An earlier description 
stated that Plüschow is 29 years old. His voice 
is high-pitched. 
He is particularly smart and dapper in ap- 
pearance, has very good teeth, which he shows 
somewhat prominently when talking or smi- 
ling, is “very English in manner“, and knows 
this country well. He also knows Japan well. 
He is quick and alert, both mentally and physi- 
cally, and speaks French and English fluently 
and accurately. He was dressed in a grey lounge 
suite or grey and yellow mixture suite. 
Also der arme Trefftz, nun Hatten sie ihn doch 
gekiLcht. Mein Entschluß, was nun zu tun sei, 
stand bei mir fest, und der Steckbrief leistete mir 
dabei vorzügliche Dienste. Zuerst mußte ich wei 
nen grauen Gummimantel los werden. Ich ging


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