Volltext: Der Staatsvertrag von St. Germain

Among these methods and principles, the 
following seem to the High Contracting Parties 
to he of special and urgent importance: 
First. — The guiding principle above enun¬ 
ciated that labour should not be regarded merely 
as a commodity or article of commerce. 
Second. — The right of association for all 
lawful purposes by the employed as well as by 
the employers. 
Third. — The payment to. the employed 
of a wage adequate to maintain a reasonable 
standard of life as this is understood in their 
time and country. \ 
Fourth. —- The adoption of an eight hours, 
day or a forty-eight hours week as the standard 
to be aimed at where it has not already been 
Fifth. — The adoption of a weekly rest 
of at least twenty-four hours, which should include 
Sunday wherever^ practicable. 
Sixth. — The abolition of Child labour 
and the imposition of such limitations on the 
labour of young persons as shall permit the con¬ 
tinuation of their education and assure their 
proper physical development. 
Seventh. N— The principle that men and 
women should receive equal remuneration for 
work of equal value. 
Eighth. — The standard set by law in 
each country with respect to the conditions of 
labour should have due regard to the equitable 
economic treatment of alf workers lawfully resident 
therein. * , 
Ninth. — Each State should make provision 
for a system of inspection in which women 
should take part, in order to ensure the enforce¬ 
ment of the laws and regulations for the pro¬ 
tection of the employed. 
Without claiming that these methods and 
, principles are either complete or final, the High 
Contracting Parties are of opinion that they are 
well fitted to guide the policy of the Tegue of 
Nations; and that, if adoptet by the industrial 
communities who are members of the League, 
and safeguarded in practice by an * adequate 
system of such inspection, they will confer lasting 
benefits upon the wage-earners of the world.


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