Results: 7055

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Year of publication: 1916
Place of publication: Linz
Shelfmark: II-474
Sorting title: "Amsellied"
Year of publication: [1916]
Place of publication: Wels
Shelfmark: I-3990
Sorting title: "Ein selig End'"
Year of publication: 1917
Place of publication: Stuttgart ; Berlin
Shelfmark: I-16012/69,74,76,80,84,87,92,94
Sorting title: "Mitteleuropa"
Year of publication: 1915
Place of publication: Linz
Shelfmark: I-2981
Sorting title: "Mutterl"
Year of publication: 1926
Place of publication: Linz
Shelfmark: I-3174
Sorting title: "Stat pro lege praesumptio. " Ein Beitrag zu den Gewissensfragen der Geldentwertung
Year of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Rohrbach
Shelfmark: P-I-2438
Sorting title: "Un Ricordo della guerra di mondo mila novecenta quatordici fino millanove centa diciotto"
Year of publication: 1889
Place of publication: Linz
Shelfmark: I-2990
Sorting title: "Viribus unitis"
Year of publication: 1907
Place of publication: Linz
Shelfmark: I-1905
Sorting title: 'Leonstein'
Year of publication: 1915
Place of publication: [S.l.]
Shelfmark: I-4994
Sorting title: 's Raucka
Year of publication: 1914
Place of publication: Steyr
Shelfmark: I-3211
Sorting title: 's Soldatnlöbn

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