Volltext: Bücher-Verzeichnis der Holzinger-Volksbücherei 1927 (1927)

5845 Cooper J. F. The Spy 
5846 Craven Mrs. Aug. Eliane 
5712 Cummins Maria 8. The lamplighter 
5847 — Mabel Vaughan 
5848 — The lamplighter 
5888—5889 The Daisy Chain. 2 Bände 
5849 Darf Stephen. The story of a penitent soul 
5850 Dickens Charles. The cricket on the hearth 
5851 Doyle A. Conan: A study in scarlet 
5852 Edwards Amelia B. Barbaras history 
5853 — Debenham’s vow 
5854 Eliot George. The lifted veil and brother Jakob 
5855 First in the field 
5714 Forrester Mrs. Too late repented 
5856 Freiligrath Ferdinand. The Rose, Thistle and Shamrock 
5857 FuIIerton G. The countess de Bonneval 
5858 — Laurentia 
5859 Gerard E. D. The waters of Hercules 
5860 Bardy Thomas. Life’s little Ironies 
5711 Barraden Beatrice. In varying moods 
5861 Bope Anthony. Mr. Witlh’s widow 
5862 James Benry jr. The portrait of a Lady 
5863—5864 James G. P. R. The Step-mother. 2 Bände 
5896 Irving Washington. The Sketch book 
5865 Kavanagh Julia. Daisy Bums 
5866 Lee Bolme. Katherine’s trial 
5867 Marryat Captain. Peter Simple 
5868 Melville G. J. W. Sister Louise 
5869 Montgomery Florence. The blue veil 
5870—5871 Murray David Christie. A life’s atonement. 2 Bände 
5872—5873 Mrs. Norton. Lost and sa^ed. 2 Bände 
5874-5875 Mrs. Oliphant. May. 2 Bände 
5876—5877 Peard Frances Mary, One year. 2 Bände 
5878 Q. 1 saw three ships 
5879 Quida. Cecil Castlemain’s Gage 
5880 — Pipistrella 
5881 Reade Charles. Love me little, love me long 
5887 Red as a rose is she 
5882—5883 Scott Sir Walter. The heart of Mid-Lothian. 2 Bände 
5884 Shakespeare William. Dramatic works 
5885 Shelley. Endymion 
5886 Tautphoeus Baronin. Quito 
5891 Thomas Annie, Called to account 
5710 Thorneycraft-Fowler Ellen. Concerning Isabel Carnaby


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