Volltext: Bücher-Verzeichnis der Holzinger-Volksbücherei 1927 (1927)

5692 Zola Emile. Jacques Damour 
5693 — Rome 
5694 — L’argen! 
5695 — Pot bouille 
5696 — La bete humaine 
5697 — Travail 
5698 — Verite. 
0. Englische Literatur. 
5807 A troublcsome girl 
5803—5804 Alexander Mrs. A choice of evils. 2 Bände 
5805—5806 Alice Grand Duchess of Hesse. 2 Bände 
5801—5802 Aquilar Grace. The molher’s recompense. 2 Bände 
5707—5708 Barret-Browning Elizabeth. The head of the fa- 
mily. 2 Bände 
5890 — The head of the family 
5808 Bcccher-Stowe Harriet. Old town folks 
5809 — Uncle Tom’s cabin 
5810 Bernays Albert j. Household Chemistry 
5811—5812 Black William. Judith Shakespeare. 2 Bände 
5813 Braddon M. E. Run to earlh 
5814 — Phantom Fortune 
5815 — The story of Barbara 
5816—5818 — Lucius Davoren. 5 Bände 
5819 Bret-Harte. The heritage of Dedlow Marsh 
5820 — Gabriel Conroy 
5821 — Idyls of the Foolhills 
5822 Broughton Rhoda. Nancy 
5823 Bulwer E. L. Eugene Aram 
5824 — Godolphin 
5825 — Ernest Maltravers 
5826 — Alice or the Mysteries 
5828—5831 — What will he do with it? 4 Bände 
5701 Byron Lord. The prisoner of Chillon. — Mazeppa 
5832—5833 Carthy Justin Mac. Donna Quixote. 2 Bände 
5703 The Children of Cloverlcy 
5844 Coolidge Susan. What Katy did 
5834 Collins Wilkie. Blind love 
5835 — Blind love 
5836 — Jezebel’s daughter 
5837—5839 — No name. 5 Bände 
5840 — Poor Miss Finch 
5841 — 5843 — Man and wife. Z Bände 


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