Volltext: Das Bild als Verleumder

May 6, 1915 
Buying—A MERIC AN MACHINIS T—Sectio n 
Worth Knowing 
On the opposite page we show two sizes of high explosive Shells 
which can be produced from the bar on our 4|- PEDESTAL BASE 
MACHINE (see cut on opposite page). 
On this machine we can finish a 13-ib. Shell all over as it appears 
from very tough material from which Shells are made, in 24 min- 
utes, and from ordinary machine Steel in 17 minutes. 
The 18-lb. Shell in 30 minutes, or from regulär machine Steel in 
22 minutes. 
When you figure about $1.00 per day for operating this machine, 
you can then arrive at the actual labor cost for producing the piece. 
We are going to say a little more—something which might be 
interesting. The following is a description of the 13- and 18-lb. high 
explosive shells which are now being used so extensively in the war 
to replace common shrapnel. 
The material is high in tensile strength and VERY SPECIAL and 
has a tendency to fracture into small pieces upon the explosion of 
the shell. The timing of the fuse for this Shell is similar to the 
shrapnel shell, but It differs in that two explosive acids are used to 
explode the shell in the large cavity. The Combination of these two 
acids causes terrific explosion, having mors power than anything of 
its kind yet used. Fragments become coated with these acids in ex- 
ploding and wounds ca used by them mean death in terrible agony 
within four hours äs not attended to immediately. 
From what we are able to learn of conditions in the trenches, it 
is not possible to get medical assistance to anyone in time to prevent 
fatal results. It is necessary to immediately cauterize the wound if in 
the body or head, or to amputate if in the limbs, as there seems to 
be no antidote that will counteract the poison. 
It can be seen from this that this shell is more effective than the 
regulär shrapnel, since the wounds ca used by shrapnel balls and 
fragments in the muscles are not as dangerous as they have no 
poisonous element making prompt attention necessary. 
Abb. 44. Eine Anzeige aus „American Machinist“, die eine neue Art von Ge¬ 
schossen ausdrücklich deshalb empfiehlt, weil sie nicht nur kampfunfähig machen, 
sondern „Tod in schrecklichem Todeskampfe“ veranlassen, wenn nicht sofortige 
ausgiebige Hilfe kommt. Die sei aber in den Schützengräben unmöglich, deshalb 
seien die anderen nicht vergifteten Geschosse nicht so empfehlenswert, wie diese. 
Vgl. die mit schwarzem Streif bezeichnete Stelle. 
Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. Ä, 
— 56 —


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