Volltext: Der Weltkrieg in Bildern und Dokumenten nebst einem Kriegstagebuch. Zweite Folge. (Zweite Folge / 1915)

Warnung vor deutschen Flugzeugen. 
(Übersetzung nebenstehend.) Nach dem Original-Anschlag. 
The public are advis'ed to familiarise themselves with the appearance 
of British and German Airships and Äeroplanes, so that they may not 
be aiarmed by British aireraft, and may take shelter if German 
aircraft appear. Should hostile aireraft be Seen, take shelter 
immediately in the nearest available house, preferably in the basement, 
and remain there until the aireraft have left the vieinity: do not stand 
about in erowds and do not touch unexploded bombs. 
In the event of HOSTILE aireraft being seen in country districts. the nearest Naval, Military or Police 
Authorities should, if possible. be advised immediately by Telephone of the time of appearance, the 
direction of flight. anä whether the aireraft is an Airship or an Aeroplane. 


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