Volltext: Der Staatsvertrag von St. Germain

United States of America. Great Britain, France, 
Italy, Japan, Belgium and Switzerland, The 
Committee may, if it thinks necessary, invite 
other Members to appoint" representatives! 
(1) Application of principle of the 8-hours 
day or of the 48-hours week. 
(2) Question of preventing or providing 
against unemployment. 
(3) Women’s employment: 
a) Before ancf after child-birth, including the 
question of maternity benefit; 
b) During the night; 
c) In unhealthy processes. 
(4) Employment of children : 
a) Minimum age of employment : 
b) During the night ; 
c) In unhealthy processes. 
(5) Extension and application of the Inter¬ 
national Conventions adopted at Berne in 1906 
on the prohibition of night work for women 
employed in industry and the prohibition of the 
use of white phosphorus in the manufacture of 
Section 11 
general principle 
Article 372 
The High Contracting Parties, recognising 
that the well-being, physical, moral and intellec¬ 
tual, of industrial wage-earners is of supreme 
international importance, have framed, in order 
to further this great end, the permanent machi¬ 
nery provided for, in Section I and associated 
wirth that of the League of Nations, 
They recognise that differences of climate, 
habits and customs; of economic opportunity and 
industrial tradition, make strict uniformity in the 
conditions of labour difficult of immediate attain¬ 
ment. But, holding as they do, that labour should 
not be regarded merely as an article of commerce, 
they think that there are nfethods and principles 
for regulating labour conditions which all industrial


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