Volltext: Vom Eintreffen der serbischen Antwortnote in Berlin bis zum Bekanntwerden der russischen allgemeinen Mobilmachung (2 / 1919)

Friedensheuchelei an den Pranger gestellt werden!! Und unsere Consuln 
in Türkei und Indien, Agenten etc. maßen die ganze Mohamedan. Welt 
gegen dieses verhaßte, verlogene, gewissenlose Krämervolk zum wilden 
Aufstande entflammen; denn wenn wir uns verbluten sollen, dann soll 
England wenigstens Indien verlieren. 
Nr. 402 
Randbemerkungen des Kaisers vom 30. Juli vorm, 
zum Artikel der “Morning Post” vom 28. Juli 1914: 
“Efforts towards Peace”1 
The only possible wav to ensure or enforce peace is 
that England must teil Paris and Petersburg—-its allies—to remain 
quiet, i. e. neutral to the Austro-Servian conflict, then Germany can 
remain quiet too. But if England continues to remain silent or to 
give lukewarm assurances of neutrality; that would mean encou- 
ragement to its allies to attack Austro-Germany. Berlin has tried 
to mediate between Petersburg & Vienna on the appeal of the Zar. 
But H. M. silent ly had already mobilised before the appeal; 
so that the mediator—Germany—is placed “en demeure” & his 
work becomes illusory. Now only England alone can stop the 
catastrophe by restraining its allies, by clearly intimating that—as 
Sir E. Grey declared—it had nothing to do with the Austro-Servian 
conflict, & that if one of its allies took an active part in the strife 
it could not reclcon on the help of England. That would put a stop 
to all war. King George has communicated Englands intention to 
remain neutral to me by Prince Henry. On the other hand the 
Naval Staff have this morning—30. VII.—received a telegram from 
the German Military attache in London, that Sir E. Grey in a pri¬ 
vate conversation with Prince Lichnowsky, declared, that if Ger¬ 
many made war on France, England would immediately attack Ger¬ 
many with its fleet! Consequently Sir E. Grey says the direct con- 
trary to what his Sovereign communicated to me through my brother 
& places his King in the position of a double tongued liar vis-ä-vis 
to me. 
W i 11 i a m I. R. 
The whole war is plainly arranged between England, France 
and Russia for the annihilation of Germany, lastly through the con- 
versations with Poincare in Paris and Petersburg, & the Austro- 
1 Zeitungsausschnitt vom Auswärtigen Amt dem Kaiser zugesandt, der seine 
Randbemerkungen am 30. Juli vorm, niederschrieb, von dort ins Amt 
zurückgelangt. Reichskanzler und Jagow nahmen am 30. Juli von den 
Randbemerkungen des Kaisers Kenntnis.


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