Volltext: Vom Eintreffen der serbischen Antwortnote in Berlin bis zum Bekanntwerden der russischen allgemeinen Mobilmachung (2 / 1919)

women on this side of the English 
Channel; for its provisions may at any 
moment drag France—and behind her, 
Britain—into quarrels between Slav, 
Teuton and Magyar in the Near East 
which do not concern either the French 
or ourselves; except that both Powers 
ausgezeichnet would suffer grievously in their 
interests if Russia seated herseif on the 
Byzantine throne. 
Duty of Avoiding European Conßict. 
By Francis W. Iiirst. 
I notice that the Yellow Press is 
screaming for war. It says that if 
France and Russia mobilise we ought to 
mobilise too. If they fight we ought to 
fight too. Parliament has been solemnly 
informed that we are ander no obliga- but Grey has in- 
tion of a military or naval kind either formend ns that 
to Russia or to France. No British tf hety our 
interest is involved. It is difficult even Ellies, England 
to fix our individual sympathies. will attack usü 
If the Afghans had been seeking a 
greater Afghanistan at the expense of 
India, and had assassinated a Prince and 
Princess of Wales in the streets of 
Peshawur, I am not sure that the vocal 
part of the British nation would not 
have called for a march to Candahar. 
And I am quite certain that in that case 
Austria would have raised no protest. 
Then what, I would ask, isMr. Churchill 
doing? What possible ground can bravo! 
there be for a mobilisation of the ßeetf 
Was it a mere outburst of meddlesome 
This is not Our Quarrel. certainly not 
My object in writing to you at this 
moment is to urge the prime duty of 
maintaining right throughout this awful 
crisis an attitude of strict neutrality. 
This is not our quarr el) nor would the 
entrance into it of Russia, Germany, 
France or any other State give any 
British Government any moral right to


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